Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day & Important Re-post

The girls made me the cutest card.
You are such a SWEETTART. You make life a BIT OF HONEY.  You are EXTRA special & I know you were MINT to be my mom. You're the REISEN I'm growing up to be such a SMARTIE. 
Happy Mother's Day.

I woke up Mother's Day to this beautiful ensemble hanging in my closet.  Kevin did a little shopping while I was gone at my favorite store White House Black Market...
dress, jewlry, shoes, the works! 
There are benefits to a husband who knows your size!!! 

And of course some dark Godiva chocolate & flowers made it for a perfectly perfect day after I finished eating his delicous roast, rosemary baby reds, grilled zucchini & green salad. 
And for dessert a homemade carrot cake prepared by my Soph. 
Am I bragging a bit... well yes, but they deserve it! Thanks family! It's so good to be home!

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