Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Sleep Deprivation can lend itself to poor choices in overall health. I shoot for 7-8 hrs of sleep each night. When we are tired through the day it can affect what we choose to eat and/or if we exercise.

To help with this I've created a "bed-time" routine. I look forward to retreating to my room where I begin my unwinding from the day. With the time change approaching us soon (Daylight Savings Nov 2) our clocks will 'fall back' an hour making the day a little shorter and darker earlier. I don't mind. It helps get my hinny to bed.

Posted on my mirror is a HABIT MARKER. I like to check things off. I will consecutively read my scriptures, begin my bed time routine earlier & go to bed empty (not hungry, just empty). If you'd like a HABIT MARKER, click here.

Good Night... Much needed beauty rest awaits... literally.
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