Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I am often asked about what shoes are best to wear when working out. I replace my shoes every 6 months.  My most recent are these... Nike Shox Vivify.  I've tried so many different brands and always end up back to my Nike's. Just fits me the best I suppose. You may be different.

But here's the deal. I suggest going to the Running Store.  CLICK HERE. You will be put on a treadmill for a couple minutes while being videotaped.  They will play it back in slow-motion and help determine your gait.  CLICK HERE. You will be sent outside running to "test" each shoe he fits you in. I was even put in a different  shoe on each foot and sent running so I could compare. 

Now with that being said, my brother-in-law is in podiatry school.  I just got this email from him.  He recently attended an "Athletic Shoe Conference". He said, 'You should test all your shoes in the store before you buy them, and don't let the salesman try to tell you otherwise unless he can tell you the 3 tests (shown above) and why each is important.  All the sports medicine specialists at our conference agreed that you shouldn't ever have to spend over $100 for your shoes.'
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